Sunday, January 11, 2015

Side trip to Sculpey Land

Did you know that there are 35 known genera (and 160 species) of deep sea anglerfishes? They range in size from a few centimeters to a meter in length. Here's an attempt at a female ghostly seadevil, life size (about 2 inches long), in translucent Sculpey with a glow-in-the dark Sculpey esca. Unlike other anglers, which are mostly black, ghostly seadevils are almost completely transparent -- if only I knew how to work in glass! That would really be something. I gave this gal a hot pink core, hoping that it would show a little from beneath the translucent outer layer and suggest her innards. You can see a hint of the pink near her tail. I'm going to try again, this time with Sculpey premo so I can get finer details, especially in her fins and the spines on her jaw.

My source book is "Oceanic Anglerfishes: Extraordinary Diversity in the Deep Sea," by Theodore W. Pietsch.

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