Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Tin Fish

I found these 4 chippy, rusty tin ceiling tiles at a local hipster antique flea-market thing called "Stash Style" (which was actually pretty amazing, check out their upcoming events here).

I stared at them for about a month or so before I had an epiphany at a local hibachi restaurant. Koi fish! Of course! No, while not exactly a northern Ohio species, they are a common backyard pond fish, so I think they fit the show.

Each tile got a coat of sage green pickle paint, which helps seal it from the oils.

Here is the first painted fish. I think that these will have coats of wax and maybe collage before they are 100% finished though.

 Jade bead is from the fantastic "bead paradise" store in Oberlin, OH. It will be sewn on the finished piece.


  1. Erin that is beautiful! Impressed ..... can't wait to see the finished product. You should teach a class on this process, it looks fun. My friend Jen Whitten that you meet at the ceramics show teaches beading at Bead Paradise and I love that store.

  2. Hi Ellen,
    Thanks! Glad you like it. I actually am teaching a 5 week class on this technique (and others like it) on Tuesdays this October at Bay. Hope you can come!
    :) Erin

  3. Nice!
    I love that the background is just like "light green shino" glaze.
